On Mindfulness

"Meditate. Breathe consciously. Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment. Make the connection."

 ~Oprah Winfrey

I have had countless conversations at the studio the past couple months about the connection to the way we move in class and its ability to help turn off the excess noise in our heads to keep us focused on the present moment. This is mindful movement, and although it may not be the classic version of what we call meditation, the benefits are the same. 

This is how I fell in love with Pilates. I vividly remember the aha moment I had years ago while going through a rough patch in my life. After finishing a class with one of my favorite teachers I got off my reformer and thought to myself, "wow, I did not think about a single thing other than what was happening in my body and how I was breathing for a full hour." What I was learning was presence, and in that moment I knew outside of the physical results Pilates gets touted for, this was the true beauty of the method, and if I was going to make a living teaching this was what I wanted to impart on all my clients. 

There is no one size-fits-all formula to meditation, but we do know that coming back to our breath, staying in the present moment, and being intentional with our words, thoughts, and movements can decrease stress levels, extend the length of our lives and generally keep us healthier. Our goal at Move With Studio is to support these aspects of a balanced, healthy lifestyle along with keeping your core strong.

With Grace and Ease,



Move With Gratitude


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