The Mama Shop

We chatted with some of our studio moms this past month and picked their brains about their favorite pre/postnatal products, and created a little Amazon shop of these items that range from belly bands to prenatal vitamins. 

Here are some of our favorite things:

Pure Synergy PureNatal

The Pure Synergy brand is a favorite within the Move With crew, and their prenatal vitamin boasts of high quality ingredients: organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegetarian and dairy-free ingredients, 800mcg DFE Folate and organic sprouts, berries, & herbal extracts provide comprehensive nourishment, balance & support.

Boppy Side Sleeper

Support our back and growing bump with a pillow that stays in place and helps you sleep on your side. The Boppy Side Sleeper is also compact, so it doesn’t take up the whole bed and is easy to travel with. 

BLANQI Maternity Built-in Support Bellyband

Seamless support for your growing bump that helps to smooth, soothe and secure. This can also be worn into the 4th trimester after the arrival of your precious cargo. 

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion

This gentle form of topical magnesium helps our body maintain balance, avoid illness, and perform well under stress. Magnesium’s benefits can also include reduced symptoms from chronic back pain, fatigue, insomnia, or additional metabolic conditions.

Expecting Better

This book came up in all the circles of moms we chatted with when creating this shop. In Expecting Better, learn what research data really says about the best time during the ovulation cycle to get pregnant, why you can have a drink of alcohol and not harm your fetus, why it’s much better to gain more weight than less when pregnant, and many more useful tips.

Elvie Trainer

Elvie Trainer helps new Mum's recover and rebuild their pelvic floor post-baby. You can track your progress in real time through the Elvie App to build back up your pelvic floor strength.

See more Move With Mama picks on the the rest of the Move With Motherhood shop:

What were some of the items you couldn’t live without before, during and after your pregnancy? We would love to know! Shoot us a message at and let us know so we can continue to add to this shop and create a comprehensive shopping experience for new moms.


Move With Motherhood: Movement Tools


The Move With Motherhood Journey