Moving with ease into 2022…


A lot of unknowns resurfaced this past holiday season making it challenging to know what inspiring things to write or what to promote as we bring in the New Year. We are well into January as I sit down to write this, whereas in past years, we would already be promoting a New Year’s program or challenge and getting folks excited about recommitting to their health after the holidays. This year, though, has felt different. For me, I’ve intuitively not felt rushed to jump into anything personally or professionally, and have actually felt a sense of resistance to jumping on the new year’s bandwagon altogether. It's an arbitrary date that the fitness industry has made billions of dollars off of attempting to get as many people as possible to commit to New Year’s Resolutions that they end up not keeping. As I reflect on this, I realize how out of alignment this is with the culture that we’ve built at Move With Studio.

Moving into 2022, my goal is to continue to foster a space where you can show up authentically as you are, and feel better on your way out of the studio versus how you felt on your way in. Quality movement and supportive community will continue to be at the forefront of all that we do at Move With. What this past couple of years has shown me is how resilient and compassionate our community truly is, and that we don’t need a change of date to recommit to ourselves. We’ve already been committed to our wellbeing through thick and thin. 

Quality movement and supportive community will continue to be at the forefront of all that we do at Move With.

If we have learned anything from this pandemic, it is that adaptability is key and that taking care of your body doesn’t need to always have a number or goal attached to it. It is a lifelong practice that ebbs and flows with the changes in our lives. With that, my challenge to you all (myself included) this year is to move with more self-compassion. To give yourself the grace that you don’t have to have everything figured out for the whole year by January and that it is more than ok to just be. My hope is that you give yourself the permission to have your intentions look a little different and fully embrace all that IS while manifesting what you want. To enjoy the ride and move with ease!


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